Download Quantitative Analysis CPA Notes
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable the learner to use quantitative analysis tools in business operations and decision making.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
• Use mathematical techniques to solve business problems.
• Apply set and probability theories in business decision making
• Apply operation research techniques in decision making
• Apply hypothesis testing in analysing business situations
• Apply linear programming to solve practical business problems
The Quantitative Analysis Notes Course Contents are :
- 1 Integration
- 1.0.1 Probability
- 1.0.2 Probability theory and distribution Probability theory
- 1.0.3 Probability distributions
- 1.0.4 Hypothesis testing and estimation
- 1.0.5 Correlation and regression analysis Correlation analysis
- 1.0.6 Time series
- 1.0.7 Linear programming
- 1.0.8 Decision theory
- 1.0.9 Game theory
- 1.0.10 Network planning and analysis
- 1.0.11 Queuing theory
- 1.0.12 Simulation
- 1.0.13 Emerging issues and trends
Mathematical techniques
- Functions, equations and graphs: Linear, quadratic, cubic, exponential and logarithmic
- Application of mathematical functions in solving business problems
Matrix algebra
- Types and operations (addition,subtraction,multiplication, transposition and inversion)
- Application of matrices: statistical modelling, Markov analysis, input- output analysis and general applications
- Rules of differentiation (general rule, chain, product, quotient)
- Differentiation of exponential and logarithmic functions
- Higher order derivatives: turning points (maxima and minima)
- Ordinary derivatives and their applications
- Partial derivatives and their applications
- Constrained optimisation; lagrangian multiplier
- Rules of integration
- Applications of integration to business problems
Set theory
- Types of sets
- Set description: enumeration and descriptive properties of sets
- Operations of sets: union, intersection, complement and difference
- Venn diagrams
Probability theory and distribution Probability theory
- Definitions: event, outcome, experiment, sample space
- Types of events: elementary, compound, dependent, independent, mutually exclusive, exhaustive, mutually inclusive
- Laws of probability: additive and multiplicative rules
- Baye’s Theorem
- Probability trees
- Expected value, variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation using frequency and probability
Probability distributions
- Discrete and continuous probability distributions (uniform, normal, binomial, poisson and exponential)
- Application of probability to business problems
Hypothesis testing and estimation
- Hypothesis tests on the mean (when population standard deviation is unknown)
- Hypothesis tests on proportions
- Hypothesis tests on the difference between means (independent samples)
- Hypothesis tests on the difference between means (matched pairs)
- Hypothesis tests on the difference between two proportions
Correlation and regression analysis Correlation analysis
- Scatter diagrams
- Measures of correlation –product moment and rank correlation coefficients (Pearson and Spearman)
- Regression analysis
- Simple and multiple linear regression analysis
- Assumptions of linear regression analysis
- Coefficient of determination, standard error of the estimate, standard error of the slope, t and F statistics
- Computer output of linear regression
- T-ratios and confidence interval of the coefficients
- Analysis of Variances (ANOVA)
Time series
- Definition of time series
- Components of time series (circular, seasonal, cyclical, irregular/ random, trend)
- Application of time series
- Methods of fitting trend: free hand, semi-averages, moving averages, least squares methods
- Models – additive and multiplicative models
- Measurement of seasonal variation using additive and multiplicative models
- Forecasting time series value using moving averages, ordinary least squares method and exponential smoothing
- Comparison and application of forecasts for different techniques
- Trend projection methods: linear, quadratic and exponential
Linear programming
- Definition of decision variables, objective function and constraints
- Assumptions of linear programming
- Solving linear programming using graphical method
- Solving linear programming using simplex method
- Sensitivity analysis and economic meaning of shadow prices in business situations
- Interpretation of computer assisted solutions
- Transportation and assignment problems
Decision theory
- Decision making process
- Decision making environment: deterministic situation (certainty)
- Decision making under risk – expected monetary value, expected opportunity loss, risk using coefficient of variation, expected value of perfect information
- Decision trees – sequential decision, expected value of sample information
- Decision making under uncertainty – maximin, maximax, minimax regret, Hurwicz decision rule, Laplace decision rule
Game theory
- Assumptions of game theory
- Zero sum games
- Pure strategy games (saddle point)
- Mixed strategy games (joint probability approach)
- Dominance, graphical reduction of a game
- Value of the game
- Non zero sum games
- Limitations of game theory
Network planning and analysis
- Basic concepts – network, activity, event
- Activity sequencing and network diagram
- Critical path analysis (CPA)
- Float and its importance
- Crashing of activity/project completion time
- Project evaluation and review technique (PERT)
- Resource scheduling (leveling) and Gantt charts
- Advantages and limitations of CPA and PERT
Queuing theory
- Components/elements of a queue: arrival rate, service rate, departure, customer behaviour, service discipline, finite and infinite queues, traffic intensity
- Elementary single server queuing systems
- Finite capacity queuing systems
- Multiple server queues
- Types of simulation
- Variables in a simulation model
- Construction of a simulation model
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Random numbers selection
- Simple queuing simulation: single server, single channel “first come first served” (FCFS) model
- Application of simulation models