Download Boardroom Dynamics KASNEB Notes
CS Advanced Level Notes
This paper is intended to equip the candidate with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to positively and effectively influence and effect changes in the boardroom in the context of the existing dynamics of the Board.
- 3 The emergence of boardroom dynamics in corporate governance
- 4 Evolution of Codes of Corporate Governance
- 5 Governance Structures
- 6 Skills, Competencies and Diversity of the Board
- 7 Understanding Boardroom Dynamics
- 8 Board Decision Making
- 9 Stakeholder Conversations
- 10 Culture in the Boardroom
- 11 Board Diversity
- 12 The Effect of Meeting Design on Boardroom Dynamics
- 13 The Role of the Governance Professional in Influencing the Boardroom Dynamics
- 14 Effective Talent Management
- 15 Board Evaluation
- 16 Power and Politics in Organisations
- 17 Contemporary Issues and Case Studies in Boardroom Dynamics
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of why focusing board dynamics is becoming increasingly important for organisations.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of boardroom dynamics for organisations.
- Critically evaluate how boardroom dynamics might affect the quality relationships, decision-making, conversations, culture, diversity and other factors.
- Apply formal and informal methods to positively influence dynamics and enhance boardroom performance
The emergence of boardroom dynamics in corporate governance
- Defining boardroom dynamics
- The evolving focus on corporate governance
- The three phases of board evolution
- Ceremonial board
- Liberated board
- Progressive board
- Building blocks of a progressive board
- Group dynamics
- Information Architecture
- Focus on substantive issues
- Impact of boardroom dynamics on organisational performance
- Interest in human factors (human resources, management of talent, organisational culture, politics etc.)
- Shifts in approaches to leadership
- Focus on ethics
- A broader model for corporate governance
- Organisational failures and impacts on boardroom dynamics
- Role of the corporate secretary in Board room dynamics
Evolution of Codes of Corporate Governance
- Evolution of codes – global trends
- Incorporation of boardroom dynamics in codes of corporate governance
- Impact of codes of governance on board culture, behaviors and effectiveness
- Evaluating human capital
- Self-regulation in corporate governance
Governance Structures
- Governance theories related to board structure
- Board Structures: Unitary and two tier Boards
- Components of governance structures
- Board size
- Committee structure
- Director considerations
- Best practices when creating and implementing governance structures
- Evaluating governance structures in organisations
Skills, Competencies and Diversity of the Board
- Human capital aspects of the board
- Director competencies
- Director skills and experience
- Evaluating individual board members
- Personal characteristics of the board.
- Defining and understanding the measuring of diversity
- Types of diversity
- Areas of diversity and their relationship to boards
- Diversity thinking in a boardroom setting
Understanding Boardroom Dynamics
- Psychology of the board
- The importance of board dynamics relative to board structure, demographics and attributes.
- Psychological theories underpinning board dynamics
- Characteristics of boards and board meetings
- Board team processes
- Board team outcomes
- Individual and team resilience
- Well- being and resilience of the board
- Developing behavioral agility
Board Decision Making
- Decision making as a core competence of a board
- Evidence-based decision making
- Cognitive bias
- Individual differences in relation to decision making
- Decision making tools
- Board team decision making: Key factors and tools
Stakeholder Conversations
- Developing dialogue over debate
- Building trust through adult/adult conversations
- The systems inside the board
- The systems outside the board
- Emotional intelligence as a core board competence
- Managing conflict
- Stakeholder communication
Culture in the Boardroom
- Governance and culture
- Defining board culture
- Board culture dynamics
- Application of Schein’s Three Levels of Culture model
- Company culture
- Country culture – Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Board Diversity
- Understanding diversity
- Types of Diversity
- Influences of board diversity (culture, law
- Promoting diversity within the board
The Effect of Meeting Design on Boardroom Dynamics
- Introduction to meeting design
- Design of board meetings
- Physical characteristics
- Attendee characteristics
- Trends in technology
- Use of virtual boards for remote teams
- Face-to-face versus virtual/audio interaction
The Role of the Governance Professional in Influencing the Boardroom Dynamics
- The 21st Century governance professional
- The strategic role of the corporate secretary
- Application of theory
- Influencing dynamics in a positive way
- Leadership influence
- Ethical dilemmas
Effective Talent Management
- Board talent management overview
- Skills and competencies of board members
- Recruitment of board members
- Introduction of board members
- Board learning and development
- Performance management of board members
- The role of the corporate secretary/ governance professional in effective talent management
- Ethical dilemmas in relation to managing talent
Board Evaluation
- Methods and processes options of board evaluation
- Evaluating director personal characteristics
- Evaluating board dynamics
- The corporate secretary as a board consultant
Power and Politics in Organisations
- The art and science of power in organisations
- Sources of power in organiSations
- Power and influence.
- Managing change through power.
- Leading with power.